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Keep up with the latest company updates, opinion pieces, and news from the world of business energy.

MHHS: A major transformation in the UK electricity industry

The market-wide half-hourly settlement (MHHS) programme aims to enhance the integration of renewable energy sources, facilitate accurate data settlement and billing, and provide opportunities for consumers to benefit from lower energy costs. Currently, many consumers lack meters that can record energy usage on a half-hourly basis, which often results in estimated billing. With MHHS, all […]

MHHS pocket guide: Everything you need to know

International Women’s Day: Maike’s journey

International Women’s Day: Attia’s journey

International Women’s Day: Yasmin’s journey

International Women’s Day: Charlotte’s journey

A wind farm across green landscapes.

Finding the balance on the route to renewable energy

Energy fuels our modern lives and is essential to heat homes, powering industries, and connecting communities. Yet, as we navigate the urgent transition to a low-carbon future, we must ask: what is the true cost of energy, and how do we find a balance on the journey to renewables? Among renewables, wind power has become […]

A field of solar panels with an orange sunset behind.

Lessons from my first involvement in a corporate PPA

When setting out to finalise a corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), the journey is filled with challenges, many of which only reveal themselves along the way. My first PPA deal was nothing short of an adventure, teaching me valuable lessons about balancing complexity and clarity while keeping the client’s needs at the forefront. Understanding and […]


What is Power2Africa?

Power2Africa is a non-profit organisation set up by Amber to identify and fund renewable energy projects in Africa, where the provision of technologies (e.g. solar panels, battery storage or computers) can improve lives and educational outcomes.​ Leveraging our internal expertise and the financial muscle of our clients, Power2Africa has funded over 10 projects, raised over […]

Contact us to see how our experience and expertise could benefit your businesses’ energy strategy and support your Net Zero journey.